Ethics/Code of Conduct

The Pennsylvania Council of Chief Juvenile Probation Officers adopted the following Standard of Conduct at its’ Executive Committee meeting in July of 2001:

1. In the course of Council business or activities, and in the course of local operations, no member of the Executive Committee shall accept gifts or gratuities from persons or organizations that provide, or seek to provide, goods or services to Juvenile Courts, except for items of nominal value also made available to the general public.
Activities such as golf outings, merchandise, meals, trips, and items of clothing can be accepted only if the member pays the actual value of the item or event. In circumstances where it is unclear whether this policy applies, an officer of the Council should be contacted.

2. It is recommended that all “active” members of the PCCJPO follow this policy.

3. The PCCJPO will encourage each of the Commonwealth’s Juvenile Probation Departments to establish written policies on these issues for departmental use.

At its’ Executive Committee meeting held on April 17, 2009, Council took additional steps relative to acceptance of gifts and gratuities. At that time, the Pennsylvania Council of Chief Juvenile Probation Officers agreed that:

1. Council members should accept nothing in the way of gifts or gratuities from providers.

2. Council members/probation officers should not accept any offers for free transportation or lodging to visit children in placement, nor to visit a program under consideration for use.

3. Council members/probation officers should not accept any gifts, or other tokens of appreciation, from families, attorneys, or other individuals who interact with them.

This standard applies to all members of the Pennsylvania Council of Chief Juvenile Probation Officers.